Happy September! This usually marks the start of our late Indian summers out here... considering that one year it was hot all the way into what some would consider "Autumn" —Halloween in Summer— I'm pretty excited that I can now start wearing all of my transitional pieces. What better to sport in the turn of warm picnicking days than my new all-denim ensemble. The jeans, compliments of Levi's, are a demi fit skinny in dark wash. I was personally measured and sized for these at the Levi's San Francisco Blogger party on Tuesday, held at their headquarters at Levi's Plaza below Telegraph Hill. We were treated to styling sessions with the staff, a trip into the vault, and some of the cutest dandy little root beer floats I have ever seen. The vault was a very cool experience, getting to see the years of history behind Levi's denim-making up close and personal is something every fashion lover in SF should do. My jacket, also Levi's, is a piece I have long waited to add to my closet. This one fits like a glove and looks polished. I was so inspired by my visit to the Levi's HQ and my new outfit, that I decided it must be captured in more ways than one. Enjoy the short film amidst the pictures!
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